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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Aftermath

After this really bad oil crisis i think the people of the united states have learned that depending on oil too much is not a good thing.If we didn't have any oil left at this moment we would basically struggle for survival. Oil is a really important resource and people need to comprehend how oil is important to our lives. We really need to find other resources that can replace oil temporarily or maybe even permanently because we can just depend on oil for ever. We can try to save our oil by recycling and using less energy at home. I have started to save gas by using my car only 3 days a week so that i wont have to keep on buying gas more often. The remaining days of the week i am going to start riding my bike to wherever i need to go so that i can save oil and not pollute the air with car smog. Gas prices are going back to normal and are not expensive like they have been during the peak of this oil crisis. Although gas prices are low i am going to use my bike so that i can save our oil. There are many ways people can reduce the usage of oil but they still don't know what to do. There are many programs that help you understand how to save energy, oil, and other resources that are important to the people.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

BP Executive!

I feel bad for those who died during the explosion that happened a few weeks ago. We are working with the government so we can pay the damage we have caused here at the gulf coast. More than 200,000 barrels of oil are spilling into the ocean each day and that is going to take a lot of money to clean up. We know we have polluted the ocean but we are trying our best to come up with the money to clean this mess up. Right now we are willing to give 75 million dollars so that they can clean up and recover the oil that was spilled into the ocean. The congress wants to change the law and wants us to pay 10 billion dollars instead of the 75 million dollars we already paid. We would lose a lot of money but I think it’s reasonable to pay for the damage we have caused to the ocean. The fishes in the ocean are now poisoned with the oil and people are not going to be able to eat it anymore. We feel bad for harming all these animals inside the ocean and for slowing down peoples business but we didn’t know that this explosion was going to happen and we will try to avoid another explosion in the future.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OuT oF bUsInEsS

Since this oil shortage has been going on I have noticed that many of the companies around my neighborhood have been closing down. Factories are now closing down because they don’t have enough oil to run these machines that make these factories work. People are starting to lose their job and are worried that they won’t have enough money to survive. Local stores and markets are now closing down because their products from other states are not going to be shipped here anymore now that gas is so limited nowadays. I am trying to find another resource that will substitute oil but I don’t think I will ever find it. Now I have to adapt to this new life without oil! I never thought that oil would be so important to our lives. I wish I can go back in time and save gallons and gallons of oil so that I could have had some right now. It doesn’t feel them same now that we are going through this oil crisis. People are not the same and are angry that oil is scarce. Now I could say the U.S Armed Forces are not strong and powerful anymore now that this oil shortage is going on. Their tanks, jets, guns, and all these other weapons they use all depend on oil. Now that we don’t have gas I am using my old bike to get around. I see more and more people using the bike nowadays and are leaving their cars at home. Traveling has actually become extinct now that people have no money and they don’t have anything to travel in. Two weeks I attended this protest that happened here in downtown. People were angry and are asking the government to do something about this really bad oil crisis. Riots broke out and about 6 police officers were beaten by these angry protesters, cars were flipped over and light poles were broken down. These protests have been going on for the past months and people are demanding help. Elasticity plays a role in this economic crisis because now people are going to start buying the cheapest products they can find even though they are not a good brand because they don’t have enough money to keep buying good products. This oil shortage really affected the way people buy products.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Where Can I Get My Food?

I really did find this activity surprising because i thought that many of the products we had on the tables were packed here in California but i found that just 3 items were packaged here in California. All the other items were packaged in other states of the U.S and one item was out of the country. It would be really hard to get all of these items because all of them are far away. I need to find a local farmers market that has some of these items since now they wont be shipping them to the local markets around my neighborhood. I also wouldn't want to travel 2000 miles just to get my Sprite soda!!I need to start shopping at farmers markets more often now that i think these local markets are going to close down. Or i should start growing my own produce in my backyard now that these fruits and vegetables are hard to find nowadays.

I have researched a bit and i found the nearest farmers market which is in the city of Pasadena. I don't know how i am going to get over there, but i will try to go and get all of the food i need.

SOURCE: Gearlive

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our Resources Make Our Living

Well i think that if airplane flights were to be canceled their would be social problems because people wouldn't find another way to travel faster because cars are small and don't travel as fast as the airplanes. Trains are big but they cannot travel over sea. If all gas stations were to be closed down people would have to look for other types of transportation that do not need gas.

I feel bad about giving up on these goods and services but if we are not going to have them anymore then why wait for them. I am going to get my bike and start walking to where i want to go now that we are losing these services.

I am scared of losing the food, water, and power because without these things we would all die. We need food and water to survive and not die of hunger, if there is no power then we wouldn't be able to do anything without it. There would be less jobs now that there is no power. If layoffs continue to increase then i don't know what kinds of jobs we will need to find in order to have money in our pockets.

My family and i are planning to leave all our wants behind because we really need the things that will help us survive and not the things we don't need. I am planning to save all of my resources so that i can use them whenever i need them.

SOURCE:Santiagos Mexican Food

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply and Demand

Supply is the the amount of product people would sell and what price they would sell if for so people can buy it.
Demand is what the people decide to buy from the sellers and what they are willing to pay for that product.

Something interesting i read from the oil quiz is that there is a lot of countries in the world who produce oil but some of the countries have less oil than others. Something surprising from the oil quiz is that i got 4 questions correct and 8 wrong. I also found it surprising that the worlds oil production cant seem to increase until 2030.

SOURCE: Greenzer

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

As i read an article i was surprised that almost everything we use in a daily basis has to do with oil. The water bottle we drink off, is made of petrochemicals that are found in oil as well as the medicine bottles are made from the same petrochemicals. I also didn't know that some of the fibers we wear in our clothes are made of some petrochemicals found in oil. If we lose oil we would use many of the biggest transportations which are cars, planes, and ships. I dont know how we would travel without these three types of transportations.

SOURCE: Mactheory

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without My Soccer Ball!

My friend Jorge called me up so we can go play some soccer but Jorge said he didnt have a soccer ball and i didnt neither. We decided to pitch in to buy a new one at the nearest store. We asked the salesperson for a soccer ball and she said that they had ran out and no more soccer balls are going to be made! The reason was because of this really bad oil shortage around the world! Now soccer is not going to exist, it is no longer a sport becuase of oil. My favorite sport is now gone and memories are left behind. =[